Adult Ministries
Adult Bible Classes
Adult Bible study classes meet at 9:15 a.m. Sunday mornings, and we offer a variety of classes for members and guests of different ages and life stages. Through studying God's Word and enjoying fellowship, friendships are developed that will last a lifetime. At the core of every individual's life is the need for relationships with God, with God's people, and with others. Kelview's single adult, married adult and senior adult ministries help you develop those friendships and grow in your relationship with Christ.
Men's Ministry
We want to raise and also develop new leaders in our church, help each man in this ministry to become men of integrity, incorporate all of the areas of the ministry that currently exist in our church and compliment them with new areas, and unite our men and help them build strong relationships with other men.
Women's Ministry
The Women's Ministry of Kelview Heights Baptist Church seeks to encourage women in spiritual growth, discipleship, enrichment, ministry and evangelism. This goal will be accomplished by providing resources, training, enrichment events and a supporting network.
Worship Ministry
By serving in the Worship Ministry, you can lead the church in life-changing worship, touch a life with a message of hope, and lift a spirit with a song of joy. Music and the arts are powerful tools! At Kelview we want to help you learn to use these tools to glorify God and impact lives.
Youth Ministries
Junior High Class
Grades 7-8 meet in the Junior High Classroom Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Wednesday evenings for preteen specific teaching and discipleship. Other activities are planned on a monthly basis.
High School Class
Grades 9-12 meet in the High School Classroom Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Wednesday evenings for worship, teaching, and discipleship. Other activities are planned on a monthly basis.
Children's Ministries
Children's Bible Classes
Classes for Preschool through Sixth Grade meet every Sunday morning during the worship service hours. Teachers and helpers serve in these classes each week building relationships with the children in their classes. These leaders are helping to lay spiritual foundations in children’s lives through interactive Bible study and learning activities.
Bible-centered handbooks and club activities help your children begin to build a solid understanding of the basics of Christianity. The aim of the curriculum is to take youngsters a step deeper into God’s Word while giving unsaved boys and girls regular opportunities to hear the gospel and come to faith in Jesus Christ. Our goal is that many of today’s young people will become tomorrow’s church leaders.
Children's Choirs
Our children's choirs are staffed by talented spiritual leaders who are committed to sharing God's love with every child as they model for them the praise and worship of God through His gift of music. The children enjoy learning music fundamentals and exploring musical instruments.
Counseling Ministries
Biblical Counseling
Kelview Heights Baptist Church is committed to providing counseling that is based on the truth of Scripture, Christian principles, and the example of Jesus Christ. Biblical Counseling is provided by the Pastoral staff only in areas of competency. This ministry is here to serve the Lord through service to the individuals and families of Kelview Heights as well as to the community at large. Counseling services are available to children, adolescents and adults.
Premarital Counseling
We desire to help couples understand what the Bible says about marriage, learn how men and women differ, discuss communication skills, and work through potential problems found in many marriages. Premarital counseling sessions will be offered in two formats-- one-on-one and as a class. The curriculum used will be the PREPARE/ENRICH Empowering Couples or I Promise program.
Media Ministries
Television Broadcast
KMID ABC2 - Sundays 10:30 a.m.
Radio Broadcast
KWEL AM 1070 - Sundays 10:30 a.m.
Online Sermons, CD's, and DVD's
Recorded Sermons are available free online or for purchase on CD or DVD.
Support Groups
Mom 2 Mom
Mom 2 Mom exists to meet the needs of every mom - urban, suburban and rural moms, stay-at-home and working moms: moms with different lifestyles who all share a similar desire to be the best moms they can be! Mom 2 Mom recognizes that the years from infancy through 6th grade are foundational in a mother-child relationship and are filled with unique needs. Mom 2 Mom meets the second and fourth Thursday each month of the school year.
This Christ-centered program helps people apply biblical principles as they deal with the emotions and life stresses following the death of a loved one.